The term customer of a bank is not defined by law. Ordinarily, a person who has an account in a bank is considered as its customer. Banks open accounts for different types of customers like an individual, partnership firm, Trusts, companies, etc. While opening the accounts the banker has to keep in mind the various legal aspects involved in opening and conducting those accounts and also practices followed in conducting those accounts. Normally, the banks have to deal with following types of customers.Types of customers
An individual can be a person holding a bank account for personal use. Such customers must comply with existing regulations and bankers must ensure that they do not open and use bank accounts for illegal purposes. The customer should be properly introduced to the bank. The introduction is necessary for terms of banking practice and also for the purpose of protection.Minors:
A minor is a person who has not completed eighteen years of age. Any contract entered by minor is void and is not enforceable by law. This prevents minor to acquire property, dispose property or enter into any type of agreement.
Guardian means a person having the care of the person of a minor or of his property or both person and property. Guardians may be categorised into following three types:
- Natural guardian
- Testamentary Guardian
- Legal Guardian appointed by a court
Joint account:
A joint account is an account which is opened by two or more persons jointly. It’s simply a joint debt such an account is opened by them for the convenience of the operation of the account as well as for the withdrawal of money after the death of any one of them.
Married Woman:
A married woman is competent to enter a valid contract. Therefore banker opens an account in the name of a married woman. In the case of a debt taken by a married woman her husband shall not be liable except in the following circumstances:
- If she borrows money for the necessities of her life
- If she borrows for the necessaries of her household
- If she acts as an agent of her husband.
Pardanasheen Women:
A paid ana sheen woman observes complete seclusion in accordance with the custom of her own community. She does not deal with the person other than the members of her own family. As she remains completely secluded as the presumption in law. The banker should take due precaution in opening an account in the name of a park ana sheen woman. As the identity of such a woman cannot be ascertained, the banker generally refuses to open an account in her name.
Illiterate Person:
Illiterate persons cannot sign their names and hence the bankers take their thumb impression as a substitute for signature and a copy of their recent photograph. The application form and photograph should be attested by an approved witness. For withdrawing money he must attend personally and affix his thumb impression in the presence of an official of the bank for identification.
Joint Hindu family:
Joint Hindu family it’s an undivided family which comprises of all male members descended from a common ancestor. A Joint Hindu Family is a family which consists of more than one member possesses ancestral property & carries on family business. The senior male member is called “Karta” and other male members as “coparceners”. Karta manages the whole business of the family and the liability is unlimited whereas coparceners have limited liability. Coparceners can be appointed as managers. The Karta has the power to mortgage and pledges the property of JHF for raising the loan.Joint stock companies (Limited Liability Companies)
If a company is registered under companies Act has a legal status independent of the shareholders. A company is an artificial person who has a perpetual existence with limited liability and the common seal.- Memorandum
- Articles of Association
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Resolution passed by the Board to open account
- Name and Designation of person who will operate the account with details of restriction placed on them
Unincorporated Associations
Banks open accounts of unincorporated associations and clubs started for purposes of Sports, Recreation, Promotion of Fine Arts, and Education etc. Accounts are opened for reliable and reputed parties. These unincorporated associations have no legal entity. While opening an account in the name of association the bank makes detailed inquiry in the existing rules and regulations governing such associations. All usual formalities for opening the account are adhered by the bank. Bank also obtains the certified copy of the resolution passed by the Governing Body for an opening of the account in the bank and names of the office bearers authorised to open and to operate the account on behalf of the association duly certified by the Chairman are obtained.Societies, Clubs and Associations
A society gets legal entity only when it is incorporated under Company’s Act. Bylaws of the society, clubs and association contain rules, regulations or conduct and activities of the association. While opening account the banks obtain following from the clubs:- Copy of the bylaws
- Copy of resolution passed by the managing committee regarding opening and conduct of account
- Certificate of registration in original
- A list of the Managing Committee members
- Copies of resolutions for electing them as Committee members duly certified by the Chairman.